
Nikah Khawan in Lahore

Our company provides the services of a professional nikah khawan in Lahore for a very reasonable price. Our nikah khawan in Pakistan is registered and experienced in conducting nikahs. If you wish to have your nikah done without any hassle, we can help you with that. We also have the services of a nikah registrar in Lahore for registration purposes. All you need to do is to come to our office and we will take care of everything else. Our nikah khawan fees are very economical for the clients.

Nikah Khawan in Lahore, Pakistan

In Pakistan, a Nikah khawan is a person who is responsible for performing the nikah ceremony. However, most of the Nikah khawan in Pakistan are unregistered and considered to be unprofessional. We only hire the best from the city to provide you with the nikah khawan services in Lahore Pakistan. Nikah khawan is for Muslims only and not for any other religion. However, you can hire our services if a male is Muslim and the female is ahle Kitab. In Pakistan, only authorized nikah khawans can conduct a nikah. Otherwise, it is a crime as per Pakistani law. Only those nikah khawans who are recognized by the government can perform the duties of a nikah khawan. Moreover, the license copy of the nikah khawan is always required to be attached while registering a nikah. If in case the nikah ceremony is performed by an unauthorized person, you cannot even register the nikah.

Blue Collar Crime Scope in Pakistan

Nikah Khawan Services in Lahore

Our nikah khawan services are only available in Lahore as our office is situated there, however if you would like to take the nikah khawan to another city for your convenience, you may do so but you will have to pay an additional fee for this. This is because when you choose to have the nikah khawan travel to another city, they will be bound for the entire day to accommodate your event..

Your Blue-Collar Crime Lawyer

Nikah Registrar in Lahore

The nikah registrar is responsible for registering your nikah. We not only provide the services of a nikah khawan in Lahore, but we also provide the services of a nikah registrar. Our services are not just restricted to verbal or oral nikahs, but we also provide the service of registered nikahs. Our nikah registrars are authorized by the government to perform marriage registration duties. No one other than a licensed nikah registrar in Pakistan can register a nikah.

Lahore Office

Main Boulevard Gulberg, Main Market, Lahore, Punjab 54000
Mr. Ahmed Burhan

Faisalabad Office

Burhan Center, 97-99, Gulistan Market Railway Road, Faislabad, Pakistan
Mr. Ahmed Burhan

UK Office

Associate Office (London)
Mr. Ahmed Burhan

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