
Appellate Practice Law in Pakistan

Appellate practice procedure is the set of rules appellate courts use to review trial court judgments. Appellate review serves several purposes, such as identifying and correcting errors made by the trial court, developing the law, promoting consistency among courts, and advancing justice in general. The appellate procedure focuses on several main themes:

1-What judgments are appealable

2-What judgments are appealable

3-How appeals are brought before the court

4-What are the requirements for a reversal of the lower court

5-What procedures parties must follow

Appellate court arguments focus on written briefs that parties prepare, which state the questions on appeal and list the legal authorities and arguments supporting each party's position. Only a few jurisdictions allow oral argument as a matter of course. When allowed, oral argument is intended to clarify legal issues presented in the briefs. Usually, oral arguments have a time limit that the court can extend only at its discretion.


Appellate Practice in Pakistan

The Appellate Practice Group at Burhan & Associates is here to provide you with representation and advice on all things appellate. Whether you're looking to reverse an unfavourable judgment or preserve a favourable one, our team has the experience and knowledge to help you achieve your goals. With decades of experience in the Pakistan Supreme Court, High Courts of Pakistan, Court of Appeal, and other appellate courts in the region, you can rest assured that you're in good hands with us. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you with your appellate matter. We represent a variety of clients in different areas of law, and our appellate cases have included business contractual disputes, construction defects, insurance coverage, employment discrimination, harassment claims, eminent domain, inverse condemnation, government contracts, admiralty, product liability, premises liability and securities regulation. We have the skill and experience to understand any complex or subtle area of law. At our law firm, we don't just handle appeals from final judgments. We also have an active writ practice, which helps our clients protect or attack significant rulings before trial and judgment. In addition, we also file briefs and present oral arguments as amicus curiae in cases where our clients are not direct parties, but which still present important industry-wide issues that affect their interests. Appellate attorneys play a vital role in complementing the work of trial attorneys. Virtually every aspect of appellate practice is different from what happens in trial court. Trial attorneys excel at developing factual records, examining witnesses, and persuading juries. Appellate attorneys, on the other hand, focus on developing legal arguments to persuade judges. This is based on the record that is made during the trial. Appellate attorneys use their analytical and advocacy skills to argue cases in front of appellate courts. They rely on their mastery of substantive law, appellate procedural law, and independent analysis of the trial record to make the best possible arguments for their clients. Appellate attorneys also provide honest and objective advice to clients on whether or not to pursue or resist an appeal. The Appellate Practice Group provides cost-effective legal services with a focus on appellate courts. We understand that part of our responsibility is to exercise sound judgment and raise only issues that are likely to persuade the court to rule in our client's favour. At the Appellate Practice Group, we believe that our clients should be involved and aware at every stage of their case's appellate process. After delving into legal theories and strategies, we sit down with our clients to prepare a written brief. With experience in the appellate decision process, we know how important it is for the brief to be well-written, concise, and persuasive. Though oral arguments can sometimes make or break an appeal, they can never replace a good brief. In appeal--as in life--you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The written brief is your client's first--and therefore most important-- opportunity to put their best foot forward.

Lahore Office

Main Boulevard Gulberg, Main Market, Lahore, Punjab 54000
Mr. Ahmed Burhan

Faisalabad Office

Burhan Center, 97-99, Gulistan Market Railway Road, Faislabad, Pakistan
Mr. Ahmed Burhan

UK Office

Associate Office (London)
Mr. Ahmed Burhan

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