The right of divorce for husbands is provided by Section 7 of the Muslim Family Law Ordinance in
Pakistan. This section states that a husband can divorce his wife by pronouncing talaq, or a written
divorce, three times. However, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has recently ruled that a husband
cannot divorce his wife without pronouncing talaq three times at three different instances.
Each Talaq should be served to the wife in written form, with a copy being sent to the Chairman of
the Arbitration Council.
The Chairman Arbitration Council is required to send 1 notice per month to each party before
completion of 90 days for the purpose of attempting reconciliation between husband and wife. If
reconciliation is successful and the parties reconcile, then the Talaq will be deemed to be revoked
and ineffective. If reconciliation is not possible within 90 days, then the Talaq will be considered
effective and the Chairman Arbitration Council will be required to issue a Divorce Certificate,
dissolving the marriage.