
Constitutional law

Current Constitutional law of the country which was passed by the National Assembly of Pakistan on April 10, 1973 and is third constitution of Pakistan. It was passed by the president on April 12, 1973 which was then implemented on August 14, 1973. Following are the key characteristics:

All types of constitutional law



The Constitution is neither too firm nor much flexible like other Constitutions of the country. It can be changed if 2/3 majority of the National Assembly approves a change in it and when the same is absent to by the Senate with the majority.

Islamic Ideology

Islamic Ideology

Constitution of Pakistan is also based on Islamic ideology. Section-1 declares Pakistan to be an Islamic polity. The Muslims were advised to practically perform the lessons of the Quran and Sunnah. Islam will be the state religion. In addition, the Council of Islamic Ideology it has been made mandatory for the President and Prime Minister to be Muslim.

Common law as statutory law

Common law as statutory law

Republican Form of Government
As indicated by the Constitution, Pakistan will be the Islamic Republic. The Head of the State will be chosen by the parliament in a joint sitting for a term of five years. He might be pre-chosen for another term too.
Federal System
The Constitution of 1973 has presented a Federal framework in the country. The alliance of Pakistan comprises of a Central Government and four Provincial Governments. The Federal Government is going by a President chosen by individuals from Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).

Parliamentary Form
The 1973 constitution sets up a parliamentary type of government. The cabinet minister and the prime minister belong to Parliament and are responsible to it for their policies and conducts. The Parliament can cast a vote of No-Confidence against them. The President needs to follow up on the guidance of Prime Minister

Bicameral Legislature
The Constitution of Pakistan provides for a bicameral legislature, known as the Majlis-e-Shoora. This legislature comprises of two Houses: the Senate (Upper House) and the National Assembly (Lower House). The Senate is composed of 63 members, while the National Assembly has 200 members. Both Houses have equal powers in terms of legislation. However, the Majlis-e-Shoora has wide powers in terms of oversight and scrutiny of government actions.

Pakistan to be a Welfare State

Pakistan to be a Welfare State

The Constitutional law mirrors the soul of a Welfare State. It also provides that illiteracy should be finished; economic and educational interests of backward areas should also be promoted; so, gambling, prostitution and use of alcoholic liquor shall be stopped for well-being of the people, just and human conditions of work will be provided; irrespective of sex, creed, caste or race will also be insured by raising their standard of living. Basic needs seem like housing, clothing, food, education and so medical relief shall be given to the citizens who are permanently or for time being unable to earn their livelihood.

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